Navigating Cyber Crime Laws: Mapping Offenses and Penalties Part-1

Navigating Cyber Crime Laws: Mapping Offenses and Penalties


Understanding the legal framework behind cyber crime is crucial. This table outlines the relationship between various offenses and the applicable sections under ITA 2000, ITA 2008, IPC, and other special and local laws, revealing the comprehensive spectrum of actions and consequences.

Navigating Cyber Crime Laws: Mapping Offenses and Penalties Part-1


Nature of  Complaint

Applicable Sections and Punishments under ITA 2000 and ITAA 2008 

Applicable Section(s) under Other Laws and Punishment


Tampering with computer source documents

U/S 65 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹2 lakh or both

Section 66 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both


Data theft from an individual or company

U/S 66 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both

Section 379 IPC— 3 years imprisonment or fine or both


E-mail access by fraud with password

U/S 66 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both

Section 66C of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh


Data Modification

U/S 66 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both



Misuse of Wi-Fi against state

U/S 66— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both<br>Section 66F— life imprisonment



Planting a virus against the state

U/S 66— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both<br>Section 66F— life imprisonment



Denial of service attack on government

U/S 66 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both

Section 66F of ITAA 2008— life imprisonment


Stealing data from national security

U/S 66 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both<br>66F— life imprisonment



Copyright infringement

U/S 66 of ITAA 2008— 3 years imprisonment or fine up to ₹5 lakh or both

Sec. 63, 63B Copyrights Act 1957


Sending offensive messages

U/S 66A of ITAA 2008— Three years imprisonment and fine

Section 504 IPC— 2 years or fine or both

Sec. 500 IPC— 2 years or fine or both


Failure to Block Web Sites

U/S 69A ITAA 2008: imprisonment up to 7 yrs and fine



Threatening Messages by E-mail

U/S 66A ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine

Sec. 504 IPC: 2 yrs or fine or both 


Sending Defamatory E-mails

U/S 66A ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine

Sec. 500 IPC: 2 yrs or fine or both 


E-mail Abuse

U/S 66A ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine

 Sec. 500 IPC: 2 yrs or fine or both


Punishment for Criminal Intimidation

U/S 66A ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine. Sec. 506 IPC: 2 yrs or fine or both

Sec. 506 IPC: 7 yrs imprisonment or fine if threat is to cause death or grievous hurt, etc.


Criminal Intimidation by Anonymous Comm.

U/S 66A ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine, Sec. 507 IPC: 2 yrs along with Sec. 506 IPC

Sec. 506 IPC: 2 yrs or fine or both


Receiving Stolen Computer/Mobile/Data

U/S 66B ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment or ₹1 lakh fine or both, Sec. 411 IPC: 3 yrs imprisonment or fine or both

Elaboration and Examples:

Punishment for Criminal Intimidation (Sl. No. 15): Using electronic communication to intimidate someone can result in charges under Section 66A of ITAA 2008. For instance, sending threatening messages online to induce fear.


Criminal Intimidation by Anonymous Communication (Sl. No. 16): If criminal intimidation is carried out anonymously, it's covered by Section 66A of ITAA 2008 and further enhanced by Section 507 IPC. For example, sending anonymous threatening e-mails.


Receiving Stolen Computer/Mobile/Data (Sl. No. 17): Possessing stolen electronic devices or data, owned by someone else, can lead to charges under Section 66B of ITAA 2008. For instance, using someone else's stolen laptop.



Continuing the mapping of cybercrime offenses and their associated legal provisions reveals the intricacies and dimensions of digital law enforcement. By referencing this comprehensive table, individuals can better grasp the legal ramifications of various cyber transgressions.   

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