Navigating Cyber Crime Laws: Mapping Offenses and Penalties Part-2

Navigating Cyber Crime Laws: Mapping Offenses and Penalties Part-2

Elaboration and Examples Capturing, Publishing, or Transmitting Private Images (Sl. No. 27): Sharing someone's private images without consent, known as "revenge porn," is covered under U/S 66E of ITAA 2008. This includes sharing explicit images or videos of a person without their knowledge.  Publishing or Transmitting Obscene Material (Sl. No. 28): Sharing or publishing explicit content online can lead to charges under Section 67 of ITAA 2008. For example, uploading explicit photos or videos to a public website.   Publishing Material with Sexually Explicit Content (Sl. No. 29): Distributing material containing explicit acts online falls under Section 67A of ITAA 2008. This could involve sharing or distributing sexually explicit content.  Conclusion: As digital activities become more intricate, the legal landscape surrounding cyber offenses continues to evolve. By examining this comprehensive table, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal consequences associated with various cybercrimes.


Fraudulent Use of Stolen Password

U/S 66C ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh, Section 66D ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh

Section 419, 420 IPC: 3 yrs or 7 yrs imprisonment or fine


Misuse of Biometric Thumb Impression

U/S 66C ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh



Misuse of Electronic/Digital Signature

U/S 66C ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh



E-mail Spoofing

U/S 66C ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh, Sec. 465, 468 IPC

Section 465, 468 IPC: 2 yrs or 7 yrs imprisonment or fine or both


Phishing E-mail Fraud

U/S 66D ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh, Section 419 IPC

Section 419 IPC: 3 yrs imprisonment or fine or both


Bogus Websites, Cyber Frauds

U/S 66D ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh, Section 419 IPC

Section 419, 420 IPC: 3 yrs or 7 yrs imprisonment or fine or both


Making a False Document

U/S 66D ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh, Section 465 IPC

Section 465 IPC: 2 yrs or fine or both


Forgery for Purpose of Cheating

U/S 66D ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and a fine up to ₹1 lakh, Section 468 IPC

Section 468 IPC: 7 yrs imprisonment and fine


Forgery for Harming Reputation

U/S 66D ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine up to ₹1 lakh, Section 469 IPC

Section 469 IPC: 3 yrs imprisonment and fine


Capturing, Publishing, or Transmitting Private Images

U/S 66E ITAA 2008: 3 yrs imprisonment or fine not exceeding ₹2 lakh, Section 292 IPC

Section 292 IPC: 2 yrs imprisonment and fine


Publishing or Transmitting Obscene Material

U/S 67 ITAA 2008: 3 yrs and ₹5 lakh (1st conv.), 5 yrs and up to ₹10 lakh (2nd conv.)

Section 292 IPC: 2 yrs imprisonment and fine


Publishing Material with Sexually Explicit Content

U/S 67A ITAA 2008: 5 yrs and up to ₹10 lakh (1st conv.), 7 yrs and up to ₹10 lakhs (2nd conv.)

Section 292 IPC: 2 yrs imprisonment and fine


Publishing Material with Explicit Child Content

U/S 67B ITAA 2008: 5 yrs and up to ₹10 lakh (1st conv.), 7 yrs and up to ₹10 lakh (2nd conv.)

Section 292 IPC: 2 yrs imprisonment and fine


Preventing Authorities from Decrypting Communications

U/S 69 ITAA 2008: imprisonment up to 7 yrs and fine



Intermediaries Not Providing Access to Stored Information

U/S 69 ITAA 2008: imprisonment up to 7 yrs and fine



Insult to Modesty of a Woman (Word/Gesture/Act)

Section 509 IPC: 1 yr or fine or both



Theft of Computer Hardware

Sec. 379 IPC: 3 yrs imprisonment or fine or both



Online Sale of Drugs




Online Sale of Arms

Arms Act

Online Sale of Arms


Mobile Phone Stolen

Sec. 379 IPC: 3 yrs imprisonment or fine or both

Mobile Phone Stolen


Insult to Modesty of a Woman (Word/Gesture/Act)

Section 509 IPC: 1 yr or fine or both

Insult to Modesty of a Woman (Word/Gesture/Act)

Elaboration and Examples

Capturing, Publishing, or Transmitting Private Images (Sl. No. 27): Sharing someone's private images without consent, known as "revenge porn," is covered under U/S 66E of ITAA 2008. This includes sharing explicit images or videos of a person without their knowledge.


Publishing or Transmitting Obscene Material (Sl. No. 28): Sharing or publishing explicit content online can lead to charges under Section 67 of ITAA 2008. For example, uploading explicit photos or videos to a public website.



Publishing Material with Sexually Explicit Content (Sl. No. 29): Distributing material containing explicit acts online falls under Section 67A of ITAA 2008. This could involve sharing or distributing sexually explicit content.



As digital activities become more intricate, the legal landscape surrounding cyber offenses continues to evolve. By examining this comprehensive table, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal consequences associated with various cybercrimes.


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