Forensic Ballistics-Demystifying Firearms: Shotguns, Bore, and Rifles

Forensic Ballistics: Shotguns, Bore, and Rifles

Shotgun: Versatile Shoulder Arm

A shotgun is a pivotal firearm within the category of shoulder arms. Unlike rifles, all shotguns boast smooth-bore barrels, ensuring a perfectly circular cross-section. The term "shotgun" originates from its unique firing mechanism: the discharge of a single ball, slug, or a burst of lead pellets, known as shots. Shotguns come in single or double-barreled varieties, with configurations such as side by side or over and under.

Forensic Ballistics-Demystifying Firearms: Shotguns, Bore, and Rifles

Types and Mechanisms

Double-barreled shotguns can be a hammer or hammerless types, the latter being more modern. Hammer guns require manual cocking, while hammerless variants automate this process. Shotgun barrels sport various bore diameters, denoted by a number and gauge. For instance, a 12-bore shotgun's barrel equals the diameter of a lead ball comprising twelve such balls to a pound. Chokes, and barrel constrictions near the muzzle, regulate shot dispersal.

Rifles: Precision and Power

Rifled arms, in contrast to shotguns, fire single bullets with heightened accuracy and power. These arms feature longer barrels and are categorized by their calibers, representing bore diameter. Rifled barrels are grooved with spiraling patterns, imparting a spinning motion to the bullet for enhanced accuracy. Rifles exhibit diverse actions, including bolt action and semi-automatic action.

Bore: A Measure of Smooth-Bore Firearms

The term "bore" relates to smooth-bore firearms, indicating the internal barrel diameter. It signifies the number of spherical lead balls that collectively weigh a pound and fit perfectly within the bore. For instance, a 12-bore shotgun's bore equals the diameter of a 1/12-pound lead ball, measuring 0.729 inches.

Examples and Significance

Examples of shotguns encompass S.B.M.L (Single Barrel Muzzle Loader), D.B.M.L (Double Barrel Muzzle Loader), S.B.B.L (Single Barrel Breech Loader), and D.B.B.L (Double Barrel Breech Loader). Rifles, characterized by their caliber, are denoted in decimals of an inch or millimeters. Common actions include bolt and semi-automatic.


Understanding the nuances of firearms enriches our perception of these tools' historical, tactical, and sporting roles. Shotguns, rifles, and their attributes paint a vivid picture of the craftsmanship, innovation, and functionality that define these essential weapons.


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