Unveiling the Significance of CLUES Teams in Crime Scene Investigation

Significance of CLUES Teams in Crime Scene Investigation


In the world of crime investigation, the role of expert institutions like the CLUES teams is pivotal in unlocking the mysteries hidden at crime scenes. As mobile scientific investigating units of the Forensic Science Laboratory, these teams play a crucial role in assisting investigating officers by providing technical expertise and crucial support. Let's delve into the significance of CLUES teams and their essential duties and responsibilities in managing crime scenes effectively.
Unveiling the Significance of CLUES Teams in Crime Scene Investigation
I. CLUES Teams: The acronym "CLUES" stands for "Crime Laboratories Ultimate Evidence System". These teams are established in each district and city zone to aid investigating officers in crime scene processing, reconstruction, and other scientific and technical matters. Their presence is instrumental in ensuring comprehensive and accurate crime scene management.

II. Team Composition and Control: The CLUES team consists of four members: a Scientific Expert, a Fingerprint Expert, a Photographer, and a Videographer, with the Scientific Experts serving as team leaders. Although administratively linked to the Forensic Science Laboratory, these teams operate under the control of the concerned district Superintendent of Police and Commissioner of Police in cities.

III. Essential Equipment for Crime Scene Investigation: Equipped with advanced gadgets and tools, the CLUES team ensures thorough crime scene examination and evidence collection. The equipment includes crime scene recording tools like video and digital cameras, crime scene searching equipment like multiple wavelength lights, and physical evidence lifting equipment for various types of traces.

a.  Crime Scene Recording Equipment 

  • Video Camera 
  • Digital Photo Camera 
  • 35mm SLR Camera

b.   Crime Scene Searching Equipment 

  • Poli-Ray – Multiple Wavelength Light 
  • White Beam Search Lights-EURO – 2 Nos.

c. Physical Evidence Lifting Equipment 

  • Advanced Physical Evidence Collection Kit 
  • Sunken Foot Print Collection Kit 
  • Electrostatic Dust Print Lifting Kit 
  • Microsil (Tool marks, FP, Bite mark Lifting Kit) 
  • Blood Evidence Collection Kit 

d.   Spot Test Kits 

  • Narcotic Test Kit 
  • Explosive Test Kit
Personal Computer with Modem and Printer for Data Storage, Exchange, and Transmission. 

IV. Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities of the CLUES team encompass a wide range of activities, such as photographing vital clues from multiple perspectives, video recording crime scenes and surroundings, systematic searching for physical evidence, and collecting various types of traces left behind by offenders. They also assist in coordinating with medical officers, bomb disposal teams, and other scientific experts for prompt scene inspections.
V. Types of Cases Requiring CLUES Team Assistance: In cases involving explosions, firearms, arson, dowry deaths, homicides, property offenses, mass disasters, road/train accidents, custodial deaths, use of force by police, industrial accidents, or any other sensational crimes, it is mandatory for investigating officers to seek the expertise of CLUES teams. Failure to do so may result in appropriate disciplinary action.


The CLUES teams stand as the ultimate crime scene experts, offering their scientific acumen and technical prowess to assist investigating officers in solving complex cases. Their unwavering dedication to thorough crime scene examination and evidence collection is indispensable in ensuring justice prevails. As these expert institutions continue to play a pivotal role in crime investigation, their significance in the field cannot be overstated.



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